Get Connected

This Place Rocks + Rock Groups

This Place Rocks

This Place Rocks is our "get connected" class at Quarry Church. Through this class, you can find out more about who we are, what we value, and how you can be involved. The class typically takes place on a Sunday right after church, and lasts less than a couple hours. There's no commitment to join us by attending the class, though you will certainly be invited to! Click here to sign up.

Joining A Rock Group

Do you have 2am friends? When life happens, it all goes wrong, and you're desperate for help in the middle of the night... do you have people you could call? At Quarry Church, our hope is that you can find some of those friends by joining a group. It's the best way to connect with others and grow in your faith. Our groups are designed to foster relationships and provide a supportive environment where you can share life’s ups and downs. By joining a group, you’ll not only build friendships, you’ll also deepen your connection to the church as we grow together in Christ.